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Thought for the Day by Rich Arnold (Youth and Families Minister - Holy Cross)Where do you run to when life is hard? Where have you run to? Who have you turned to and called upon? In 2 Samuel, King David turns to the Lord who he describes as his “rock… fortress… deliverer… refuge… shield… horn(meaning strength) of salvation... stronghold… refuge… saviour (2 Samuel 22:1-3) That is quite a list of words to describe our great God! 2 Samuel 22 is King David’s song of praise after he has been delivered on numerous times from numerous enemies (it’s pretty much identical to Psalm 18, so perhaps what he wrote here was then turned into a public song of praise recorded in the Psalms) and he knows exactly who deserves the credit for his victories. David describes those against him as “waves of death… torrents of destruction… cords of the grave… snares of death” (v5+6). Perhaps that is how you have found life at times recently. Whether it’s opposition from an unbeliever, or the relentlessness of life, or the pain of being in a broken Covid 19 world, we can feel like David felt. If that is how you are feeling, or you know someone who is then please learn from what David did. Life was hard for him, so… 7 “In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. What then follows is a vivid picture of how God intervenes and delivers David. Using metaphors of dramatic forces of nature David describes God’s rescue as a storm, an earthquake, even a volcano! (See vv8-16) He understands that God has been sovereignly at work to bring about David’s rescue- not just once but many times. David is confident that… 17 “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. 18 He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. 19 They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. 20 He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” Think about how the King, the Lord Jesus could say these words. He went through the hardest of times. He faced the worst of enemies. He even had to face the full force of his Father’s wrath for our sin. Yet he was trusted himself to his God and he was delivered! Like a huge thunderstorm or violent earthquake God intervened and rose Jesus from death who now reigns as King forever! As King David knew partially, Jesus knows perfectly that God is the safest of places, the one worth running to, the one who delivers from all evil. When you are in Christ, you can say these words too. David’s God is our God. Jesus’ Father is our Father. When life is hard you have someone who you can call upon and who will act. One day, even if it’s not until Jesus’s return, you will be delivered and you will know the perfect safety of your “rock… fortress… deliverer… refuge… shield… horn(meaning strength) of salvation... stronghold… refuge… saviour (2 Samuel 22:1-3) forever! Do read the whole of chapter 22 and join David in this great song of praise. Resilience Workshop
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