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Thought for the Day by Dave Howarth (Lead Pastor Holy Cross Church)His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace. (Ephesians 2.15)
There is more to a church than meets the eye. Christ has made us nothing less than part of a new human race. There is an “old” humanity. It is dead in its transgressions and sins (Ephesians 2.1). It is rife with factions and riddled with hostility, internationally, nationally and locally. And all of us were part of it at one time. Wonderfully, “[Christ’s] purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace.” He died to make it possible. He’s at work today making it happen. And if you’re in Christ, you are a part of it. Now, we would surely agree that being members of the human race is significant for us, right?! You wouldn’t say it’s “just another group I belong to”! It’s not a case of, “I’m a member of our neighbourhood; I’m a member of the lawn bowls club; and I’m also a member of the human race.” Similarly, it is supremely significant that we are part of Christ’s new humanity. It’s not just another group we’re part of. Being a part of this one new humanity (which is also called the church) is intrinsic to who you and I are – to our very identity. Consider: what differences ought this to make to how you view (1) the purposes of Christ, and (2) the people of Christ? Why not talk to him about that – and your part in it?
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