BH Hardship Fund
There will be many who are experiencing genuine financial hardship during this COVID19 epidemic. Some in the church family have asked if they could give to help meet this genuine need. We have set up a BH Hardship Fund to be used specifically for this purpose. Any money that is left over will be donated to the Brighton Food Bank which is continually helping people that face financial hardship.
If you would like to donate the easiest way is by making a payment online to the BH account (Sort Code 40-52-40 Account Number 00016162) with 'Hardship Fund' in the reference line. We also accept cheques payable to Bishop Hannington Church and marked Hardship Fund
If you would like to donate the easiest way is by making a payment online to the BH account (Sort Code 40-52-40 Account Number 00016162) with 'Hardship Fund' in the reference line. We also accept cheques payable to Bishop Hannington Church and marked Hardship Fund