We give thanks for the Lord's continued provision for the ministry, with 21 boys still receiving accommodation, sustenance, education and a supportive Christian environment.
We give thanks for the opportunity for Laura and Charis of BH to share strategies with the boys' home staff on how to help one of the boys who has behavioural problems Please pray for Mark and Ben, the Africa trustees of New Growth Ministries, whose jobs are stressful at this time, for the Lord's support and encouragement Please continue to pray for rain! There have been a few minor rainy days but much more is needed to recharge the aquifers and provide for next year's crops. Please pray for churches in the Bulawayo area of Zimbabwe where some folk are reduced to one meal every three days as a consequence of the growing scarcity of food. And please pray for Mark and his church who are seeking to gather relief supplies to help them. Please pray for one of the boys who has a crippled leg, that he will receive the medical support that he needs Please pray for the boys’ education: only some of them are showing benefit in their school results from the extra lessons they are receiving at the home. We would love to see them all prosper!
Nelson will be at the 10.00 & 6.30 services on Sunday 25th February, so do come and say hello to him
Give thanks….
Please pray…
Nelson & Marcia Salviano There will be an interview and video update in the services on the 4th of Feb and at the prayer meeting on the 14th of Feb so come along to find out more. Don’t forget to book your tickets for the barn dance fundraiser on the 10th of February Things to pray for:
This Month our mission partner is Off the Fence!Susanna will be at both services on Sunday 26th November, and you can come along to find out more about her ministry over tea & cake on the 26th in the church lounge from 4.30-6 pm. Please pray for - 1. Give thanks for the continued impact of the Plain English Version (PEV) Bible portions. We are particularly thankful for some stories of transformation coming out of prison ministry among Indigenous Australians. 2. Pray that the final checks and edits on the PEV draft of Genesis will soon be completed, so that the book can be passed for publication. 3. Give thanks for two new part-time team members who will be assisting with PEV drafting next year. Pray that we can keep up to speed with checking their work and providing feedback. 4. Give thanks that our new team director, Nico, is settling in well, and pray that our staff and projects will flourish under his leadership. 5. Pray for our team as we support various Indigenous Christians working on their own translation projects. Time and resources are often against them, so pray that God will provide what's needed for them to make good progress in their work. 6. Please continue to pray that God will raise up more workers for the vast ministry field of Bible translation - in Australia and all across the world. 7. Give thanks for the generosity of prayer and financial supporters - it's such a privilege and joy to be part of a big team doing this work! Pete Carrington, their director, will be at both services on Sunday 29th October, so please do come and speak to him & find out more about FESTIVE.
Our Mission prayer partners for October are - everyone in world Mission month!1. Give thanks for the slower pace and rest Fran & Martin have been able to take during the summer and the weather begins to cool. Pray that the Lord sustains them physically as well as spiritually - particularly as Martin still battles with his autoimmune problem. 2. As students return, pray for the Student Ministry teams in Bologna, Rome and Florence. They all meet together with key students at the MOVE conference 9-11 September - Pray for the staff to be courageous in sharing their faith and to be fully equipped by the Lord to follow his call on their lives. 3. Pray for Fran's conversations and opportunities to share her faith and pray for the many women she is meeting through the Viva Vittoria project raising awareness and funds for charities working with women at risk of violence and abuse across the city. 4. Pray for Martin as Brian, Maria and him lead Agape Italia nationally. They are travelling a lot during September as they meet all the staff individually to get a better understanding of how the staff are doing and the dreams and plans they have personally and for their local ministries. 5. Pray for Martin - September is a particularly busy month with budgeting and planning for the ministry. Pray for the new staff joining his team, starting a long term project with the communications team to connect more effectively to the Italian public and pray for Maria and Him as they plan the next staff family gathering including volunteers and guests in Assisi 26-28 October. 6. Give thanks for all the ministry partners that support Fran & Martin (including BH) their encouragement, prayer and help towards their ministry expenses. They are all vital and help make a difference to Italians through their partnership with Martin & Fran. (Phil 1:3-4). 7. Pray for Martin and Fran, that they can persevere with improving their Italian language and vocabulary. Martin meets each week with his coach Alessandra and as Fran has many opportunities to practice with the women she spends time through the Viva Vittoria project. Our Mission Partner of the Month for June is Off The Fence.Restoring lives and hope of the homeless, women at risk.
and vulnerable school children in Brighton & Hove. Some of the Off The Fence team will be interviewed at the services on Sunday 4th June and the prayer meeting on Wednesday 14th June, so come along to find out more. Please pray
This week we are praying for James, Carolyn, Toby & Gabriel Webb |